The two most important DIY concrete mix recipes


Mixing concrete is a basic skill that all DIY enthusiasts should know how to do. Concrete is one of the most common and inexpensive construction of the planet consisting mostly of sand, gravel and cement.

Mixing concrete is similar to baking in order to achieve consistent results it is best to follow a specific recipe. There are a multitude of different concrete mixes for different applications depending on the strength, workability and application of concrete.

Mixing concrete is very much science for professionals, but the average backyard amateur, learn the basics of concrete is enough to get you started.

When mixing concrete you need to mix aggregates such as sand and gravel with powder cement and water as a catalyst to start the chemical process of bonding materials together. Mixing concrete is a function of the proportions in which you will measure the volume of aggregate used for the volume of cement used.

The most common concrete mix used worldwide is 3-2-1 combination that uses three parts gravel, two parts sand and one part cement. Add water to the idea that you should use as little water as possible to make concrete workable for what you need it for. Concrete viscosity is measured by “slump” that means a specific test which amount cone placed with concrete loses its shape when the cone is removed is measured in inches or millimeters. A concrete with zero slump was very stiff and dry and inclined to keep its shape, where concrete with a slump six inches or more was very wet and not inclined to keep the shape.

The 3-2-1 combination is so widely used where you can fill in large areas with concrete for relatively cheap. You could possibly use only sand and cement, no gravel, to create what is called mortar. The 3-2-1 combination gravel serves as a filler take up much space while maintaining a relatively high overall strength. The disadvantage of 3-2-1 combination is larger gravel aggregate will often float to the surface during finishing, and is not suitable for thin or precision casting applications.

The best overall mix for the DIY enthusiast to memorize and use a simple 3: 1 mortar mix. By using three parts sand and one part mortar you can create the strongest possible concrete as well as concrete that is easy to complete and detail design, template or stamp. Using gravel mortar will have a softer overall consistency, but will eventually occupy less volume than concrete made with gravel as well. If you are pouring a very large amount of concrete gravel could prove to be cost effective, however, for most DIY projects 3: 1 mortar mix is ​​the way to go.

The sand that you have to use 3: 1 mortar mix should be sharp sand or mortar sand or sand joints. Each site that you buy the sand will use a different time so it can be confusing when shopping. All you need to remember is to avoid playing sand. Play sand is sand that has been washed and disinfected (it’s okay) and then tumbled to soften the edges of individual grains of sand (this is bad).

The sharp edges of sand to help keep the concrete mix together better than the rounded edges tumbled sand. Ideally you would like to find sand from landscape supply stores that will sell you the cubic meter. With strong trailer that you can take up as much sand as you could possibly need for next to nothing – plus quality sand to make cement will be very high.

Applications DIY enthusiast using a 3: 1 mortar mix are huge. Everything from fixing broken outdoor steps and stairs, driveways, patios, decks, ponds, waterfalls, artificial rock, statues and much more is possible with a simple mixture of sand, cement and water.

Start with small concrete projects to get a better feel and understanding how to work with concrete. Because concrete is so popular around the world and is a very advanced science, you will never run out of interesting concrete program to learn or try. Along with being the most affordable building material on earth and accessible everywhere – learning to mix basic concrete recipes is essential DIY projects.


Source by Steve Goodale

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