For side dishes Steak Recipes


Cook steak means that you want to do something special for dinner the steak is not something you eat every night. If you are going to the trouble of making a delicious steak, you will want to do the best side dishes to go alongside it.

It is a good idea to have a look at some marinated steak recipes if you want the meat to have the best texture and flavor. A steak marinade flavor canister steak you want, either add a hint of flavor or give it a lot of extra flavor. Steak marinade recipes can also tenderize the meat, if you are using a formula that contains some kind of acid such as lemon juice, lime juice, wine or vinegar.

potatoes and rice side dishes

A lot of people like their meat with french fries, but there are other options too. How about making some homemade creamy mashed potatoes? Finely chop a handful of fresh parsley and mix it in potatoes.

This gives potatoes appetizing mint green color and makes them taste great too. Fries are another nice idea and you can spice it up by rubbing a little chili powder over them before baking or frying them if you want.

If you want rice, you can serve marinated steak recipes with plain boiled rice or you can add some finely chopped vegetables to rice to brighten up and give it extra flavor. For very tasty rice, add bouillon cubes to the water when you boil rice. Add some finely chopped broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms, onions and peppers, too, for color and crunch.

You might like to serve pasta or noodles instead of potatoes or rice. If you are not using steak marinade, you might like to do a steak sauce, which will be good ladled over pasta or noodles and steak. Ideas are mushroom sauce, blue cheese, Port Wine sauce or classic pepper sauce.

Vegetable trimmings

Whether you are serving RIBEYE steak marinade recipe, a flank steak marinade recipe or something else, vegetable side dishes should not overpower the taste of the steak, so try to keep things simple for best results.

Maybe corn on the cob or some steamed broccoli florets would go well with your steak. You can stir fry some vegetables mixed with a little soy sauce for flavor. This is especially useful if you’re marinating steak in your soy sauce and other Asian material because the flavors will complement one another.

You might want to serve a salad instead of vegetables, but in the case to keep it simple again. If you are serving the sauce with the steak, you will not want sauce with salad and serve some lemon juice over it or a simple oil and balsamic vinegar dressing to bring out the flavor without clashing with steak sauce. There are lots of different ideas side dish for steak recipes. Steak, chips and salad are a classic combination, but you can choose whatever you want.


Source by Christine Szalay Kudra

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